Monday, April 30, 2012

Lucas - 29 Weeks

Well, I am in my 29th week of pregnancy. I had my monthly check-up on Friday morning to see how Lucas is developing and to do the Glucose test for Gestational Diabetes. Luckily, no Gestational Diabetes (not that I thought I had it anyway).

When I was pregnant with my daughter, Mikayla, I remember doing this same test. I had to drink this bottle of syrup. It was really thick, sugary, and nasty. It was supposed to taste like Coca-Cola. You are supposed to drink it in 5 minutes or less and then an hour later, they test your blood sugar. I failed. Needless to say, I was not happy b/c that meant I'd have to do the 3 hour blood sugar test. Why are these tests so difficult to get through? Because you can't eat past 10PM the night before and you can only have water. Being pregnant, you get hungry a little more often, but anyone who has to go a long time w/o eating, is going to eventually get hungry! Then you chug this nasty, sugary drink on an empty stomach. So, the one hour test is bad enough... you don't want to do the 3 hour test. I passed the 3 hour test and it ended on a positive note, thankfully.

Because the test was so bad and awful when I did it with my daughter, I was not looking forward to this appointment. However, the glucose drink was actually REALLY GOOD. The Germans know how to do it right! LOL It tasted like watered down cranberry juice. I chugged it in like 30 seconds and breezed through the test. LOL

While I was waiting to get my blood drawn for the glucose test, I was doing the fetal heart monitor. For those that don't know, they put this band around your bell and put little monitors on it to hear the heartbeat and make sure it's good, steady, and normal. It's probably one of the easier tests b/c you just lay there and listen to your baby's heartbeat (which sounds like galloping horses). Due to the massive sugar rush from the glucose drink, Lucas was kicking like crazy and flipping all over the place. It was so much fun. I love seeing/feeling him kick and move!

Next, it was time for my 3D ultrasound to see the little man. I was really excited b/c Lucas was so active. I knew we'd get a great video and picture of him.


AS SOON AS I laid down on the exam table, he went to sleep. SERIOUSLY, LUCAS? LOL

Not only did he go to sleep (so he wasn't moving in the video), but he had his FOOT in front of his face. HIS FOOT! He just shoved it up there against his mouth. So, the doctor was shaking him like crazy, trying to get him to move. SUCCESS! He moved his foot away from his face and...

hand goes up immediately to the same spot. I think someone is being rather difficult. Sooooo, we got a video, but it's not a great video and he has his face covered most of the time. LOL This happens during a good portion of our ultrasounds.

Anyway, so we finished the 3D portion of the ultrasound and the doc switched to regular ultrasound to measure him. He was measuring around 30 to 31 weeks on most things, but we didn't think much of it since he has measured right on track for some stuff, and a week or so above on others, since we were in the early stages of pregnancy. Then the doctor tells us around 29 weeks, he should be around 2 to 2 3/4 pounds. He's 4 pounds!!! So, my little monkey is a bit of a chunker. On average, babies don't hit 4 pounds until closer to the 33rd to 34th weeks. I'm only 29 weeks!!! Let's hope I don't have a 10 to 11 lb. baby b/c none of his newborn diapers or clothes will fit. Considering that's about the only sizes we have right now, I would like for him to be smaller. Don't get me wrong, I want a HEALTHY baby and obviously will take what I get. But it would be a LITTLE bit easier if he was between 6 and 9 lbs. LOL Remember people, I'm going at this ALL NATURAL, no meds. Cut Mama some slack!!! HAHA


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